OPES – Organizzazione per l’Educazione allo Sport (Sports Education Organisation) is a non-profit organisation that promotes and organises, in collaboration with affiliated sports associations, numerous athletic and recreational initiatives of a local, provincial and national nature, both competitive and amateur, using sport as a means of transmitting values, a source of entertainment, recreation and bringing people together without political, social or racial constraints or differences. It places particular emphasis on young people and the fight against drugs and doping in sport.

Its main institutional objective is to increase the quantity and improve the quality of promotional and competitive sports services for all social components, creating, also in cooperation with professional sports federations, and where possible with contributions from local and national institutions, sports training courses aimed at acquiring recognised qualifications.

It carries out projects and activities in the third sector, training and education.

Davide Echise (vicepresidente regionale)


I was in Guinea in 2013 and it is one of the places that has stayed closest to my heart. To this day, I have heard back from some of my friends who live there, who have been enthusiastic about resuming contact so that we can support this orphanage together. We are currently conducting an on-site survey to understand the current needs of the children in Kolkende Wiya.


One of the biggest problems in Africa is the theft of land by foreign investors who, having driven out the local farmers, exploit that land to produce goods for export. In 2015 I was in Robe, the capital of Bale, Ethiopia, to write a dissertation on this very topic. The first thing to do will be to contact the local agrarian authorities again, with the aim of setting up a project to grant farmers the rights to use their native land.


As a child, when I watched ‘Searching for the Enchanted Valley’, I didn’t realise how much Piedino’s ‘Little Leaf’ resembled a maple leaf… Canada, that land that calls to me, that makes me long for its mountains with their endless forests and wonderful lakes… here I want to find local collaborators for a school project, I want to set up schools where the native peoples can have access to their culture, to rediscover their roots.

What can you do for us? Is there anything you would like to suggest? Have you noticed something out of place, a deficiency or a lack? Report it to us! Help us grow as a company and as people: every suggestion will be evaluated and implemented if possible.